Saturday, July 2, 2011

One Year Ago...

So, it's official. I can no longer say "when I was in treatment this time last year." I don't know exactly why this is a "thing" with me, but it sort of is. A milestone I wanted to hit, but it occurs to me this Saturday morning that the date itself is not that big of a deal... because even without that date I would still be able to say a lot has changed.

This isn't a post about change though, not exactly. More of a post about observations and about life.

Last night I found myself out with seven of the ladies from my work to celebrate Kim (a complete sweetheart that's leaving Anthro) and had a good time. I didn't freak out (and wind up just observing everything), leave early, or anything of the sort... I had genuine fun, talked with numerous girls in the group, and even invited my male friend Des (whom they all loved).

We started inside drinking near the bar and wound up outside by the end of the night once our group had dwindled and even though I was there for 5ish hours it didn't feel like it. I discovered that sometimes when people hear you could possibly need assistance in the future (moving or something similar) they actually volunteer to help you - this may sound very un-novel but I assure for me it was a new thing, I didn't have to drink a lot to be comfortable - in fact I only had 2.5 cocktails the entire night, and that sometimes it's good to go out and mingle with people. Bad past friends does not reflect on current company. The night organically unfolded and we laughed at and with each other and some of us even cried a little. We joked about the past, thought about the future (one of the ladies is going on vacation this next week and when she returns will start riding lessons - something she hasn't done since her younger years), and shared stuff about ourselves the others didn't know.

It was good. a night of really living.

Anyways, I'm about to head out to the Farmers' Market to get my usual standard cookie (or two), but tomorrow will be the post I've been trying and trying to write so stay tuned for that.


  1. congratulations on the milestone :) I am so excited for your future :)

  2. I think milestones are important to observe. They give us a chance to reflect on how far we've come, or what is preventing us from making the progress we'd like to. Sounds like your night was a celebration of the former!!
    Well done on being able to give yourself the chance at the wonderful night you had - that must feel really good :)PJ


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