Friday, September 16, 2011

Hello again! Today I share some affirmations I have taken from the recovery blog Weighing The Facts.

Today I choose to be joyful. I look at life with wonder and appreciation. I find joy in even the smallest of pleasures. I feel refreshed and energized. My positive attitude heals and renews me.

I am strong. I am capable. I am deserving. I am worthy. Within me is everything I need to heal myself. I choose recovery.

I treat myself with the same loving compassion, patience, and understanding that I give to others. I forgive myself. I appreciate and love myself. I give myself what I need emotionally and physically. I am my own best advocate.

My physical and mental well-being are my first priority. I surround myself with positive, healing energy. I trust myself to make decisions that benefit my body, my mind, and my recovery. Today I take care of myself.

I recognize the precious gift that is this day. I appreciate each moment of it. I live it fully and with purpose. I celebrate my blessings, both big and small. Today I am not just alive, I am full of life!

My thoughts are powerful. I choose to think positive thoughts. My feelings are what I choose them to be. I choose to feel happy, successful, and competent. Today I recognize my responsibility for the choices I make and choose wisely. I am a strong, capable, confident, and amazing individual.

Each day is a fresh beginning. Today is a new opportunity for hope, health, and happiness. I am hopeful. I attract happiness in all that I do. I radiate health. Every choice I make enhances my recovery.

I am not defined or restricted by my past. I leave the guilt, shame, and fears of my past ... in the past. My definition of myself is what truly matters. Today I celebrate who I am and trust my inner voice.

I create my life with my thoughts and my actions. I decide what is important and necessary. I fill my day with positive and healing thoughts. I am worthy, confident, and capable. Today I choose recovery.

Today I can face any obstacle put in my path. I remain calm and think things through. I rely on myself. I respect myself. I trust myself. All that I need is within me.

I am capable. I am strong in mind, body and spirit. I make decisions that benefit my health, my relationships, and my recovery. I am in charge of my life. I choose for it to be a happy and healthy one.

Each day is a brand new opportunity. Today I will replace every negative thought with a positive one. I start today with a clean slate and I choose to write only encouraging words upon it.

I am not my mistakes. I am not my past. I am strength, determination, and possibility. I accept and love myself just as I am. Today I celebrate my individuality.

I am not defined by my body or by my weight. I am beauty, brilliance, and balance. I love and celebrate myself just as I am. Today I honor my body and treat it with the respect, and gratitude it deserves

xoxo Serra

1 comment:

  1. Love this <3 Hope you are having a great weekend!



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